Crochet Clover Pattern - Moara Crochet

Free Crochet Clover Pattern

Clovers are beautiful delicate flowers which I love so, it is time to share my own version of a Free Crochet Clover Pattern for you. Often found in shadey parts of the garden or fields, these little clumps always make me smile with their iconic 3 leaf clover leaves & little globes of white or pink delicate flowers.

How to Crochet Clover Flower - Moara Crochet

For this pattern I have used thread or lace yarn to capture the real size of these flowers, but you can use any yarn and matching crochet hook of your choice!

If you like to enjoy crochet flowers I have a huge collection of FREE CROCHET FLOWER patterns.

Easy Crochet Rose Pattern - Moara Crocht


  • 5 meters White Thread yarn (I have used Clea yarn from Circulo)
  • 10 meters Green Thread Yarn (I have used Clea yarn from Circulo)
  • Use the smallest possible crochet hook for your yarn I have used a 1mm crochet hook for the flower, 2mm crochet hook to create larger leaves.
  • Yarn needle
  • Scissors
  • 50cm Florist Wire

Gauge: N/A. Use the smallest crochet hook you can with your chosen yarn to create tight stitches, this will help your petals and leaves keep the form & not flop.

Size: 2 x 2cm diameter flower Leaf 3 x 3cm

Notes: The flower is worked in the round using both front and back loops. The leaf is also worked in the round.

Special Stitches

Treble Crochet (tr): Yarn over twice (3 on the hook), insert hook into the stitch, pick up the yarn (4 on your hook), yarn over pull through first two loops on the hook (3 on your hook), yarn over pull through next two loops on the hook (2 loops on the hook), yarn over pull through last two loops on the hook.

If you prefer a step by step video tutorial to make this crochet flower, click on the link below to access my youtube Crochet Tutorial.

Free Crochet Clover Pattern Flower

Row 1: (Green Yarn) Make a magic circle, ch1, add 6sc to the centre, sl st into the FRONT LOOP of the first st. Total: 6sc.

Row 2: WORKING IN THE FRONT LOOPS ONLY. Chain 1, *(sl st into the front loop of the first stitch, ch2, dc), (dc, ch 2, sl st into the same stitch) in the second st* repeat * to * 2 more times. Total: 3 petals. Fasten off leaving a long tail of 1 meter – this will be used to wrap around the stem later.

Free Clover crochet pattern row 2 - Moara Crochet

Row 3: WORKING IN BACK LOOPS OF ROW 1. (White Yarn) Sc inc. in each stitch, sl st into the first stitch. Total: 12sc.

Row 4: WORKING IN THE FRONT LOOPS ONLY OF ROW 3. Chain 1, *(sl st, ch 2, dc) in the first st, (dc, ch 2, sl st into the same stitch) in the second st * repeat * to * 5 more times. Total: 6 petals.

How to Crochet A Clover Flower Row 4

Row 5: WORKING IN BACK LOOPS OF ROW 3. *sc, sc inc.* repeat * to * 5 more times, sl st into the first st. Total: 18sc.

Row 6: WORKING IN THE FRONT LOOPS ROW 5. Chain 1, *(sl st, ch 2, dc) in the first st, (dc, ch 2, sl st into the same stitch) in the second st * repeat * to * 8 more times. Total: 9 petals.

How to Crochet A Clover Flower Row 6

Row 7: WORKING IN BACK LOOPS OF ROW 5. 18sc, sl st into the first st. Total: 18sc.

Row 8: WORKING IN THE FRONT LOOPS ROW 7. Chain 1, *(sl st, ch 2, dc) in the first st, (dc, ch 2, sl st into the same stitch) in the second st * repeat * to * 8 more times. Total: 9 petals.

Row 9: WORKING IN BACK LOOPS OF ROW 7. 18sc, sl st into the first st. Total: 18sc.

Row 10: WORKING IN THE FRONT LOOPS ROW 9. Chain 1, *(sl st, ch 2, dc) in the first st, (dc, ch 2, sl st into the same stitch) in the second st * repeat * to * 8 more times. Total: 9 petals.

Row 11: WORKING IN BACK LOOPS OF ROW 9 ONLY. *sc, skip st, sc* repeat * to * 5 more times, sl st into the first st. Total: 12sc.

Row 12: WORKING IN THE FRONT LOOPS ROW 11. Chain 1, *(sl st, ch 2, dc) in the first st, (dc, ch 2, sl st into the same stitch) in the second st * repeat * to * 5 more times. Total: 6 petals.

Row 13: WORKING IN BACK LOOPS OF ROW 11 ONLY. *sc, skip st* repeat * to * 5 more times, sl st into the first st. Total: 6sc. Fasten off and leave a long tail for the white yarn of 30cm.

Free Crochet Flower Patterns - moara Crochet

Crochet Clover Leaf

Row 1: (Green Yarn) Chain 3, sl st into the first stitch. *(ch1, dc, 3tr, dc, ch1, sl st), sl st into the next stitch * repeat * to * 2 more times.

Crochet Clover Leaf Pattern - Moara Crochet

How to Assemble Crochet Clover Flower

Cut a piece of florist wire 30cm, fold it in half to make 15cm. Now thread this through row 1 of the flower, as shown in the photo below. Ensure your wire is thread through two stitches to secure.

Crochet Wire Moara Crochet

Push the wire through to the final row. Pinch the wire together to create a single stem. Using the long tail of the green thread carefully wind the thread around the florist wire to cover from top to tip. Fasten off and weave in your ends. Fasten off and weave in the ends of the white thread.

How to Assemble Crochet Clover Leaf

Cut a piece of florist wire 20 – 40cm – the length will depend on how long or short you wish your leaves stems to be. Fold your wire in half. Thread this through foundation chain of the leaves. Ensure your wire is thread through two stitches to secure.

Push the wire through, pinch together to create a single stem. Using the long tail of the green thread carefully wind the thread around the florist wire to cover from top to tip. Fasten off and weave in your ends.

Free Crochet Clover Pattern - Moara Crochet

Congratulations you have made your Crochet Clover Flower. I would love to see you crochet creations, please tag me on @moara_crochet on Instagram to share your work.

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Free Crochet Clover Pattern Moara Crochet


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