To start the year I decided to make a home Youtube Studio for Moara Crochet. I wanted to create an area in our home which was a dedicated space instead of the usual makeshift area I have been making for the last year. In which pieces of furniture & plants get taken from each room to make ‘the set’. Our Youtube channel backdrop had to fill requirements for both mine & Mr. S’s business. So we started brain storming together with a few factors which we both agreed on. So of course I headed over to Pinterest for some ideas.
- Plants were a must. We live in a tiny spot of Sao Paulo state, Brazil which happens to be tropical. Which means you can throw a orange on the soil here & a orange tree will grow. So we are surrounded by native greeny, which we wanted to bring into our work space. A shelf filled with native shade loving plants were high on our list.
- Colour. Lucky we are both fans of natural rustic colours, so we were both drawn to traditonal earthy terracotta. But I wanted a more vibrant coral/orange colour to prevent our room looking too dark or like our garden.
- Personality. Our space had to reflect us. This was a chance to use items we have collected over time through our travels & display each item beautifully together. I was thinking a mini gallery wall.
I love this house in Sao Paulo which happens to bring together all the elements we were going for. Coral walls, abundance of plants plus a little excentric quirky style.
Now with our mood board ready, it was time to bring our home Youtube studio to life. So first things first, here is our before photo. As you can see this is a office / play room / storage room.
So I went off to the DIY shop in search of the right paint with my Pinterest board to hand to help me pick the right colour. As soon as we go home I got started with the help of Pod.
All painted after 3 coats & as I stood back I panicked as this was not the beautiful coral/terracotta I had choosen! Mr. S was not too happy with the orange either but we said maybe, hopfully it will set by morning & be better?! To our delight & relife on my part (as I am told I see colours differently to most people), it was the beautiful perfect shade of coral that I had picked. Now I just needed to give the skirting boards a fresh lick of white & the base canvas was done.
While Mr.S put up the shelf for the plants, which had to be low enough for the camera but not too low that it looked oddly placed on the wall. I planted up all the plant babies I had been growning from cuttings taken from plants around our neighbourhood. Plus I could finally bring in my Monstera Deliciosa which I had grown from a tiny cutting taken from a street in Sao Paulo 5 years ago. She has been living in the shady part of our garden for the past few years & has now grown to a beautiful height.
Now it was my favourite part, add the personality. Cushions which had been bought a long time ago where finally being put to there use. A beautiful art piece from a local brazilian artists was hung on the wall and gorgeous cermaic pieces made from a friend where all placed on our set. Plus my tresaured little collection of Hasma wall hanging were put up. Finally some beautiful handwoven baskets made from native brazilian tribes where added & I am in love with our new home Youtube studio.
I am really pleased with how everything has come together not only for our Youtube backdrop but also as a beauitful space for us to work. This has become my favourite crochet workspace in our home as I can sit surrounded by nature & items which all have a history to me.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing our space develope & I can not wait to start filming all the new exciting patterns I have planned for this year.
Mr. S already filiming in our new studio space! I would love to hear what you think in the comments section below.
Love, Roseanna.