Brazilian Natural Dyed Yarns from Fios da fazenda - Brazilian wood 2

Crochet with Fios Da Fazenda

Today I am so excited to be sharing with you a Brazilian Yarn Company – Fios Da Fazenda. As many of you know I am English but I live in Brazil. I love to crochet, design and share my crochet creativity and passion with you. Since starting Moara Croche I have only designed with ‘summer yarns’ including cottons, viscous and linen, as the availability of pure wool yarns is very limiting within Brazil. That was until I discovered Fios Da Fazenda. This is small family run company based in the south of Brazil which creates colourful traditional dyed yarns and a very special range of naturally dyed yarns using natural materials native to Brazil.

Fios Da Fazenda Brazilianwood image by Moara Crochet

I love creating, and I also love our planet and if there is a way I can combine both of these beliefs I fulfill my concept of being ‘Crochet Conscious.‘ In which we create an item which has a need, function and if possible, in a process which protects our planet. When I found out about this range here in South America, I wanted to try these yarns, as I would beable to try some new designs for the cooler months with locally produced yarns (lower air miles) and no large import fees.

Crocheting with Fios Da Fazenda Yarns

I was very lucky and I was sent a little collection of their naturally dyed yarns which I have used in my latest Autumnal design coming next week. In which I have used their DK 6ply Murici yarn shown in the photo above. I have also created a Youtube video with a full detailed review, close up samples in which I talk all about these yarns.

In this video I will share with you close ups, details and pattern ideas including crochet and knitting designs which I would like to create with these yarns.

Naturally dyed yarn with Fios da Fazenda and Moara Crochet

In the coming weeks I am going to be sharing with you my own design with their yarns and also a workshop I am planning for my little trip home to Manchester! I am so excited to be working with a local company which is filled with Brazilian elements. I am a firm believer in supporting small companies. If you would like to see some of their yarns, they also ship worldwide and have a website in English.

I hope you get the chance to try these beautiful yarns. Happy crocheting.

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